Identity Metaphysics
Helen Hierta draws on her decades of experience and study of creativity and spirituality to create deeply personal, deeply felt work. She finds the ceramic medium and its processes fertile ground for contemplation, and enjoys the sense that these energies are imbued into the clay.
Helen understands that higher vibrations of energy are everywhere, and that vibration is sound whether audible or not. The listening capacity takes sound waves and translates them to digital impulses for the neural pathways. These silent signals communicate with the breath to inform every aspect of our individual and collective body mechanics.
As a Michigan artist and certified teacher of meditation and breath work, Helen Hierta offers meditation classes to art and nature enthusiasts. This work helps to deepen awareness when in natural surroundings.
She hopes that you will join her in knocking at the portal of consciousness— to raise awareness, to access the realization that high vibrations of universal good are right here, now.